#1 791 Homes!
This opportunity is provided by a bank wholesaler.
- States: FL, GA, IL, IN, KY, MI, MO, OH and PA
- Minimum buy 50 homes
- Offer should be 70 cents on dollar up
- All homes under 100k
- NCND and fee agreement need to be signed to get list
- Buyer pays 3% fee
#2 165 Homes!
These homes are going for $4,500 each
- States: AL, AR, FL, IA, IL, IN, KS, KY, MI, MN, MO, MS, OH, TN. WI
- Buyer pays 3% fee
- NCND and fee agreement need to be signed to get list
- Buying partial list will increase price
Next Step:
To get our NCND and fee agreement please click here and follow the instructions: